Monday, September 26, 2011

In the Beginning ...

At 22 years old, 7 months into my marriage, I found myself pregnant. Yay! At 20 weeks pregnant, on my husbands 27th birthday, we found out there were two. "Two what?" I asked. "Two babies." Answered the technician. "What do you mean two?" I responded. "Look," the technician answered in a frustrated voice, "two heads." She pointed. "Can you get my mom?" And that was the beginning of my journey.

When it came time to start feeding the twins solid food, I couldn't imagine feeding them anything from the store. So I started by researching how to make my own pablum and my obsession with clean eating began. I made all their food from scratch, no artificial foods or sugar. At 4 1/2 years old we still hold pretty true to those rules, it's the grandparents that break the rules :)

I eventually realized that it wasn't just the twins that needed to eat clean, so did I. So in February 2010 I started my own journey of eating clean and working out. I worked hard, really hard. I got myself down 17lbs. It was blood, sweat and tears for 9 months to get myself fit and healthy.

Then ... surprise :)

We were pregnant with another baby boy!

And now my journey of getting fit and healthy (and losing the baby weight!) starts again!

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