Monday, December 19, 2011

Me, A Runner?

Running. Something I have always wanted to be good at. I wish it came as naturally as walking, but of course, it takes work.

I try and run regularly. I'll get out 3-5 times a week for a couple weeks and then loose heart because I find I still don't love it. Will I ever love it? I see people running and they make it look so easy, but it is so hard! I know, I know. I'm well aware that becoming a good runner is a process, but is it a process I'll ever master?

As I've stated in previous posts, weight training is fun to me. I love that feeling of pushing my body with strength training. I love feeling sore the next day. So what is my problem with running? 
I hate cardio.

I recently completed a "Learn to Run" clinic at | The Run Inn |. It felt so good to complete it! So why don't I feel like a runner? Maybe once I complete my first 5km on January 1st I will feel like a runner, but as for now, I don't.

As for my goals, well, I still plan to run. I've joined the 10km clinic for January in hopes that I'll love it by the end! I'll let you know how my 5km goes!

Any runners out there have any advice for learning to love it? Please share!


  1. I'm a running lover and always happy to chat with you about it! And I'm going to be teaching running clinics soon too :-) All the best with your 5km run. Let me know how it goes, ok?

  2. Wish you were teaching out here girl! I'm hoping to fall in love with it! I always feel great after I'm done :) I'll keep you posted ...

  3. Hmm...well I know you're usually all-the-way or nothing, but I would go less often if I didn't love it. Like once a week. And when you do go, make sure you go with your buddy and on a nice route. If anything it's your own time, and that my friend, is priceless!

  4. That is true! Honestly, I enjoy it when I can get outside. But currently with it getting dark so early, I am running on a treadmill facing a wall. Not so fun! LOL
